From our Anything but Science File:
The young volcanic island of Surtsey formed off the coast of Iceland starting in 1963. Life magazine was all over the story then, but the media lost interest, though Surtsey continued growing. Rapid growth has ceased, and of course life, gravity and erosion have found a way.
Creationists have seized on the emergence of features resembling those used as markers for geologists, claiming that because analogous features have formed quickly on Surtsey, the Earth "could be" much younger than accepted geological models show. Of course, it was only a hop, skip and jump and hosanna" to "IS much younger."
It's even more remarkable than that!
The giant, invisible, psychokinetic earthmover in the sky also worked wonders on behalf of his beloved children.
The actual orientation is as shown in the inset. So we're looking from the north. The large breaking waves are on the east. Use your imagination to rotate about 80º clockwise (not yourself, the image).
Access might be created with an airport in the south; runway length of about 2,000 feet could accommodate small jets. Passengers deplaning will often find that the temperature has risen to a balmy 10ºC.
The peninsula — with a suitable breakwater — could afford easy access from the Icelandic mainland for pleasure craft on the northwest (right side of promontory in photo). Developers could build a lovely little "Viking" resort village on the flat part of the peninsula nearby, and visitors might enjoy mountaineering in the large central canyon.
The flat east-central area can be accessed by a future circumferential road leading to the obviously intended golf course in the distant southwest. The varying slopes at left are perfect for dune buggies. (We all know He loves golfers and despoilers of nature best.)
Best of all these gifts is the natural amphitheater at upper right (southwest), which cries out to be developed as a concert arena and stadium for major sports franchises. Coupled with the airport and golf course, there's a pretty penny to be made in Surtsey. (I haven't even mentioned the new "Creationland" amusement park with its Walking on Lava ride.)
PS: Just ignore the fact that this is a volcanic island of recent origin astride the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. And that the polar ice cap just a few miles to the north (inset) spawns more icebergs than any other region. What could possibly go wrong? We believe, we have our protector. Hallelujah!