With selected partners, I provide consulting on data management, web-based applications, recycling, bilingual communication, and community service to non-profit organizations and small businesses. Occasionally this turns out to be fun. 😀 Español


The Serendipity Engine
By A. R. Clark

"Serendipity" is the "faculty of making happy and unexpected discoveries," according to its 1754 creator. (Source) It's also a good description of what happens when one surfs the WWW. This offering is about today's serendipitous experience, which calls forth a possible solution to all our problems. It’s election year, so please be generous should I digress.

Part One: Coincidence

Yesterday I had a conversation with Charles, who happens to be from Cameroon. The subject arose of a website I created with colleagues in the 1990s ( with an African news theme. That site is not well developed, but it remains in the realm of possibilities.

This morning I realized I had forgotten much of what I once learned about Cameroon, so I looked it up in the CIA Factbook. I was reminded that when I was a child there were two European colonies there, an English one called Cameroon and a French one called Cameroun. (Yes, it means prawn or shrimp, after a local river estuary. It has nothing whatsoever to do with certain Camerons of Scotland, to whom I may be distantly related.) The two were merged into the modern state in the 1960s.

End of Part One, and we're through with Cameroon for now.

Part Two: Random Walking... Continues...

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