Genealogy-Clark |
December 24, 2006 |
Kicker Headline
J.J. Clark, Frontier Merchant
December 24, 2006
From the WA state archives (scanned by Google; text interpretation and error correction mine) comes this excerpt from From A History of the Puget Sound Country by Prosser. The 19th Century verbosity is worth the read.
In commercial circles in Everett, John Judson Clark is well known and has developed a business of considerable extent, adding to the general prosperity of the community as well as to his individual success. He has a self-reliant nature and determined will, guided by sound judgment and honorable principles, and his business career has been in many respects worthy of emulation. Mr. Clark was born on the 4th of December, 1843, at Niagara Falls, Canada., his father's home being near one of the greatest natural wonders of the world.
John Clark, the father, was a native of Scotland, and when about thirty years of age left the land of the hills and heather, crossing the broad Atlantic to Canada, where he engaged in business as a clothing merchant. He died at the age of seventy-six years.
The mother of our subject bore the name of Catharine McDonald before she gave her hand in marriage to John Clark, and she, too, was a native of Scotland. They were married while still in the land of their nativity, and with her husband she came to the new world. Her death occurred when she was sixty years of age. She became the mother of six sons and one daughter.
One brother of our subject, F. A. (Frank Alexander) Clark: is now living in Everett. The others are James, William, Daniel, Robert and Margaret, all in Wisconsin. In the public schools of Canada, John Judson Clark gained a knowledge of those branches of English learning which are necessary to a business career. (Theraf)ter he continued, his studies in the public schools of Buffalo, New York, and m(?) the Commercial College of that city. He left college at the age of nineteen years, preparatory to entering upon his business career, and whatever success he has since achieved is due entirely to his own well-directed efforts.
He started out for himself in the humble capacity of a clerk in a general store at Niagara Falls and was thus employed for three years. In 1865 he engaged in general merchandising on his own account at Niagara Falls, conducting the store until 1868, and in the fall of that year he removed to Oshkosh, Wisconsin, where he continued his connection with mercantile pursuits as a member of the well-known firm of Clark & Forbes. They were in partnership there until 1878, at which time Mr. Clark removed to Racine, where he again carried on general merchandis!ng until 1890. Throughout these years he was extending the scope of his activity, and success attended his well-directed efforts.
Attracted by the possibilities of the rapidly growing west, Mr. Clark came to the Puget Sound country in the spring of 1891, settling in Everett, where he again established a general mercantile store, which he has since conducted. Certainly one element in his success has been his persistency of purpose. He embarked in one line, and thoroughly mastered the business, and he has continued in this with ever increasing success. It is said that ninety-five per cent of the men who engage in business for themselves meet with failure, and this is undoubtedly largely due to the fact that change allures them with hopes of bettering their conditions. They do not "let well enough alone," but Mr Clark has always engaged in merchandising and has studied closely the conditions of trade, the wants of his customers and the signs of the times. He has thus been able to meet the public demands in his line, and by fair and honorable dealing and courteous treatment he has secured a very |iberal and constantly growing patronage. He is one of the pioneer merchants of Evere.tt, and has built one of the .best business blocks f the city, a three-story brick structure, which is a credit to the city and a monument to the enterprise and success of Mr. Clark.
With the progress and industrial affairs of Everett he has been closely identified for more than twelve years, and he is justly regarded as one of the solid business men here. In November, 1878, in Oshkosh, Wisconsin, Mr. Clark wedded Miss Amelia Robertson, a daughter of Rev Thomas Robertson, who was a native of Wisconsin. Mr. and Mrs. Clark have four children, Margaret, Dora, Everett and Esther. The family are well known in this city, and the members of the household occupy an enviable position in social circles. In his political views Mr. Clark is a Republican, and, while he keeps well informed on political topics, he has never sought or desired office. Since the inception of the Chamber of Commerce of Everett he has been one of its members, and through this channel and in other ways he has labored effectively and earnestly for the promotion of the business interests of the city and its development along commercial and industrial lines. He looks beyond the exigencies of the moment to the possibilities of the f.uture., and with firm faith in Everett and its continued growth, he has allied his interests with hers, and is to-day accounted one of its most valued business men.
From A History of the Puget Sound Country
By William Farrand Prosser
Published 1903
The Lewis Publishing Company Puget Sound (Wash.)
Original from Harvard University
Digitized Sep 18, 2006
Parenthesis: RC
In commercial circles in Everett, John Judson Clark is well known and has developed a business of considerable extent, adding to the general prosperity of the community as well as to his individual success. He has a self-reliant nature and determined will, guided by sound judgment and honorable principles, and his business career has been in many respects worthy of emulation. Mr. Clark was born on the 4th of December, 1843, at Niagara Falls, Canada., his father's home being near one of the greatest natural wonders of the world.
John Clark, the father, was a native of Scotland, and when about thirty years of age left the land of the hills and heather, crossing the broad Atlantic to Canada, where he engaged in business as a clothing merchant. He died at the age of seventy-six years.
The mother of our subject bore the name of Catharine McDonald before she gave her hand in marriage to John Clark, and she, too, was a native of Scotland. They were married while still in the land of their nativity, and with her husband she came to the new world. Her death occurred when she was sixty years of age. She became the mother of six sons and one daughter.
One brother of our subject, F. A. (Frank Alexander) Clark: is now living in Everett. The others are James, William, Daniel, Robert and Margaret, all in Wisconsin. In the public schools of Canada, John Judson Clark gained a knowledge of those branches of English learning which are necessary to a business career. (Theraf)ter he continued, his studies in the public schools of Buffalo, New York, and m(?) the Commercial College of that city. He left college at the age of nineteen years, preparatory to entering upon his business career, and whatever success he has since achieved is due entirely to his own well-directed efforts.
He started out for himself in the humble capacity of a clerk in a general store at Niagara Falls and was thus employed for three years. In 1865 he engaged in general merchandising on his own account at Niagara Falls, conducting the store until 1868, and in the fall of that year he removed to Oshkosh, Wisconsin, where he continued his connection with mercantile pursuits as a member of the well-known firm of Clark & Forbes. They were in partnership there until 1878, at which time Mr. Clark removed to Racine, where he again carried on general merchandis!ng until 1890. Throughout these years he was extending the scope of his activity, and success attended his well-directed efforts.
Attracted by the possibilities of the rapidly growing west, Mr. Clark came to the Puget Sound country in the spring of 1891, settling in Everett, where he again established a general mercantile store, which he has since conducted. Certainly one element in his success has been his persistency of purpose. He embarked in one line, and thoroughly mastered the business, and he has continued in this with ever increasing success. It is said that ninety-five per cent of the men who engage in business for themselves meet with failure, and this is undoubtedly largely due to the fact that change allures them with hopes of bettering their conditions. They do not "let well enough alone," but Mr Clark has always engaged in merchandising and has studied closely the conditions of trade, the wants of his customers and the signs of the times. He has thus been able to meet the public demands in his line, and by fair and honorable dealing and courteous treatment he has secured a very |iberal and constantly growing patronage. He is one of the pioneer merchants of Evere.tt, and has built one of the .best business blocks f the city, a three-story brick structure, which is a credit to the city and a monument to the enterprise and success of Mr. Clark.
With the progress and industrial affairs of Everett he has been closely identified for more than twelve years, and he is justly regarded as one of the solid business men here. In November, 1878, in Oshkosh, Wisconsin, Mr. Clark wedded Miss Amelia Robertson, a daughter of Rev Thomas Robertson, who was a native of Wisconsin. Mr. and Mrs. Clark have four children, Margaret, Dora, Everett and Esther. The family are well known in this city, and the members of the household occupy an enviable position in social circles. In his political views Mr. Clark is a Republican, and, while he keeps well informed on political topics, he has never sought or desired office. Since the inception of the Chamber of Commerce of Everett he has been one of its members, and through this channel and in other ways he has labored effectively and earnestly for the promotion of the business interests of the city and its development along commercial and industrial lines. He looks beyond the exigencies of the moment to the possibilities of the f.uture., and with firm faith in Everett and its continued growth, he has allied his interests with hers, and is to-day accounted one of its most valued business men.
From A History of the Puget Sound Country
By William Farrand Prosser
Published 1903
The Lewis Publishing Company Puget Sound (Wash.)
Original from Harvard University
Digitized Sep 18, 2006
Parenthesis: RC
RC adds, "John J.'s brothers Frank Alexander Clark and Robert Clark were also involved in the creation of the Clark Clothing Company. I believe that Robert returned to Wisconsin, but "Alex" also remained in Everett, becoming a state official of some sort, at least part of the time as "state oil inspector" whatever that means. Descendants of John Judson Clark and his family still live in Everett and Snohomish County, and Clark Park, NE of downtown, bears his name." J.J.'s older brother James G. Clark is mentioned herein in connection with Clark and Forbes of Oshkosh, WI. James later joined with ?? Jenkins to found Jenkins and Clark, makers of work clothing and expanded to a line of children's clothing later know worldwide as Oshkosh B'Gosh. And: It's OK. Even FDR had Republican relatives.
Archive source:
CLARK John Judson; PROSSER, A history of the Puget Sound Country, 1903
(page 1-395) Merchant, Everett
Born Niagara Falls, Canada 14 Dec 1843 , s/o John CLARK (b Scotland, d Canada? at age 76) and Catharine McDONALD (b Scotland, d Canada? at age 60, 7 children)
1868 to Oshkosh WI, 1891 to Everett
MARRIAGE - Oshkosh, WI to Amelia ROBERTSON, d/o Rev Thomas ROBERTSON (b WI)
CHILDREN - Margaret, Dora, Everett and Esther
Archive source:
CLARK John Judson; PROSSER, A history of the Puget Sound Country, 1903
(page 1-395) Merchant, Everett
Born Niagara Falls, Canada 14 Dec 1843 , s/o John CLARK (b Scotland, d Canada? at age 76) and Catharine McDONALD (b Scotland, d Canada? at age 60, 7 children)
1868 to Oshkosh WI, 1891 to Everett
MARRIAGE - Oshkosh, WI to Amelia ROBERTSON, d/o Rev Thomas ROBERTSON (b WI)
CHILDREN - Margaret, Dora, Everett and Esther